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Recent Enhancements to the Tapt App: 9th August 2023
Recent Enhancements to the Tapt App: 9th August 2023
Elon Datt avatar
Written by Elon Datt
Updated over a week ago

We are thrilled to introduce several exciting updates to the Tapt app that enhance your networking capabilities and provide a more seamless user experience. Stay ahead in your professional connections with these new features.

Contact Grouping: Simplify and Organise

Managing your contacts is now more efficient than ever with Contact Grouping. You can create and manage custom groups for your contacts, making it easier to categorise and stay organised. Quickly switch between individual and group views using the intuitive icons located next to the search field on the contacts screen.

Display Your Preferred Pronouns

Your identity matters, and now you can express yourself better with the Pronouns feature. Customise your profile by editing and displaying your preferred pronouns, empowering you to communicate more authentically and inclusively.

Advanced Contact Search: Smart and User-Friendly

Navigating your contacts is smoother with our Advanced Contact Search. Even if you make a typo, the feature intelligently helps you find the contacts you're looking for, ensuring you can effortlessly connect with the right people.

Image Editor: Tailor Your Profile Image

We put the power in your hands with the Image Editor. Now you can have complete control over your profile image by cropping or rotating it to perfection. Your profile image will always present you in the best light.

Uncover the Easter Egg

Discover the joy of surprise with our hidden Easter Egg feature. Keep an eye out for hidden confetti sprinkled throughout the app to add a touch of delight to your Tapt experience.

Enhanced Customer Support

We are dedicated to providing you with exceptional support. Our newly added 'Developer Information' button aims to streamline the support process. When reporting a bug, this feature allows you to provide more context, enabling us to assist you more effectively and resolve any issues promptly.

These recent updates are designed to empower you with more control, flexibility, and engaging interactions within the Tapt app.

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