Profile Grouping
George Ampil avatar
Written by George Ampil
Updated over a week ago

One of the features available to you on the Tapt Dashboard is what we refer to as “Profile Grouping”, which allows you to manage your organisation’s Tapt cards and profiles more effectively.

Through your Tapt Dashboard, you can group employees any way that suits your operations – for example, through region, team, or manager.

Follow the below steps to set up your Tapt groups:

  1. Sign into your Tapt Dashboard.

  2. Click “My Profiles” and then “Groups”.

  3. From here, select “Create Group” and enter the necessary information:

    1. Name your Group;

    2. Add the relevant Tapt profiles to the Group;

    3. Select any specific branding you want for this Group (you can change the banner image or colours associated with your Profiles depending on Group!)

You can also select who in the organisation should be granted administrative access to this Group.

If you choose to give administrative access to certain groups, you will then have two levels of administrative access to your Tapt Dashboard:

  • Group Managers: These admins only have access to their specific “Group” of profiles. They cannot access or edit any broader profiles in the organisation.

  • Superusers: These are the be all and end all of administrative access. These people can manage and edit all the organisation’s profiles, view all the analytics, and manage the integrations with CRM software.

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